3 bainha aberta: ponto nó simples* / drawn thread: coral knot

(*é como lhe chamo eu)

Fiz um video para esta bainha aberta, mas estou, desde manhã cedo, à espera que o you tube o considere pronto! Desisti e apaguei-o. Tentarei de novo e, entretanto, aqui vão umas fotos
I made a video with this drawn thread, but since early morning I am  waiting for the you tube make it ready! I gave up and deleted it. I’ll try again and meanwhile here you have some pictures.

trabalha-se do avesso e da direita para a esquerda;
work on the back side and from right to left.
também se pode trabalhar de cima para baixo;
it can be worked from top to button as well.
à esquerda o avesso, podendo apanhar-se três, dois ou quatro grupos de fios; à direita as três bainhas muito simples já demonstradas e com as quais faremos algumas variantes (com video, de preferência…).
at the left side you can see the back side and you can join two three or four bunches; at the right side you can see three very single hems already done; with this single stitches we’ll make some variations (preferably with video…).

7 thoughts on “3 bainha aberta: ponto nó simples* / drawn thread: coral knot

  1. I watched some of your tutorial on your blog, it is very good. I am trying to resist the temptation do follow, so many other projects on a go at the same time!
    Thank you for visiting my blog :-)


  2. This is the second day I search on the internet to learn more about drawn thread. The info on your site is very interesting. Love the project you are working on and you share with the world.

    Thanx for all the effort you make so we can enjoy all your embroidery. Hope to make my own sampler soon. I’ve been inspired by your pictures.

    Nice greetings,
    The Netherlands


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