Miscelânea / Medley

Este ano não tirei fotografias. Mas tiraram algumas, por mim. É uma mistura de prendas que fiz e da mesa de 24 de dezembro, este ano a mais reduzida de sempre. Mas a 25 a casa encheu!
This year I didn’t pictures. But somebody took some for me. It’s a mix of gifts and the table of December 24, this year the smallest ever. But during December 25 the house was filled again!

8 thoughts on “Miscelânea / Medley

  1. I had my sons and daughter in law here for Christmas as well. I so enjoy Christmas because it does give me the chance to spend time with my kids. I love the beautifully embroidered cutwork cloth in the photos – most likely your talented work. Happy 2013 and all the very best. Hugs.


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