mais um trabalho acabado |another finished work

toalha Lpormenor de toalhavejam aqui;      look here
Letra Lfrom Mary Corbert’s monograms
pormenor toalha de linhovejam aqui  ou aqui ;  look  here or here
e siga para a próxima
let’s go to the next one
proxima toalhatenham um ótimo fim de semana
have a great weekend

9 thoughts on “mais um trabalho acabado |another finished work

  1. Méri,

    I do not know how you can do all these beautiful pieces so fast!!. I know you are not working on them all day long, but you are very fast. I started an embroidery project from the Inspirations magazine you sent me, and I can only work on it for a couple of hours at night. Of course, I do not have a family to take care of but I have full days of things to do. Some I hate which is house cleaning!!!

    My hat is off to you!

    fondly, Velia


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