I won! / Ganhei!

Há algum tempo li no Whip-up uma entrevista com duas Australianas Justine e Nichola.

Estão juntas no Mixtape zin. E comentei porque ofereciam os primeiros quatro exemplares da Mixtape e… ganhei!
Chegou hoje o envelope do outro lado do mundo!!!
Obrigada Justine e Nichola!
Sometime ago I read on Whip-up an interview with two Australian girls Justine and Nichola. They are together on Mixtape zin. I wrote a comment: they were giving the first four issues of Mixtape and… I won!
From the other side of the world the pack arrived today!!!
Thanks Justine and Nichola, the best wishes for you both!

7 thoughts on “I won! / Ganhei!

  1. You deserve it all!!! Please Make a little review about it!: )Voce merece!!! Por favor faca uma critica sobre o livrinho!Anary


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